Bill and Chip Martin-Chaffee are known for their hard work and love for their community, and now they're getting recognition for it.
The Minnesota couple has been named the recipients of the Central Minnesota Community Foundation's Philanthropy of the Year Award, the St.
Cloud Times reports.
The Martin-Chaffees are among three recipients of the foundation's Social Trust and Community Builder awards.
The Alex Didier Award is meant to honor a person or couple who have given back through philanthropy.
The Social Trust Award focuses on a person who is the glue of a city or town without getting recognition for their importance.
The Community Builder Award gives kudos to someone who helps connect diverse groups.
"Over the years, Mark has given to organizations that are helping individuals and families meet their basic needs, so the recipients can focus on living a fuller, richer life,"KNSI quotes the CMCF as saying in a press release.
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